Men are Pitchers in the Western World, Batters in Asia - MGTOW Thailand
Duration: 15:13
Views: 1.1K
Submitted: 8 years ago
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Jarod uses a baseball analogy to describe what’s going on in the western world vs the bars of Thailand.
Jarod talks about being a nerd and the lot in life of a nerd when he engages in a long term relationship or marries. He discusses his past relationships with western women and the absolute misery he was in.
Jarod was on the receiving end of a lot of nagging, bitching, complaining, cajoling and just generally bad behaviour. Think of all the negative behaviours possible from western women - Jarod experienced them.
Jarod's two long term relationships were a grueling, 10 years long marathon series of shit tests which raised his levels of bitterness and resentment towards his ex girlfriends to levels he never dreamed were possible. These relationships changed him from a happy go lucky young man to a very cynical and serious adult man, wise and hardened beyond his years.
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western women
asian women
thai ladyboys
thai women
bangkok nightlife
pattaya nightlife
men in relationships
nerds in relationships
bitchy women
nagging women
men as slaves
female manipulation
male status
high status men
low status men
beta males
alpha males
the wall