Marriage is low risk high reward for women but it's high risk low reward for men
Duration: 1:44
Views: 1.3K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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"Marriage is low risk high reward for women but it's high risk low reward for men." Rich Cooper - The Unplugged Alpha.
I was thinking about that marriage quote and I then thought to myself ex patting to Thailand or The Philippines is high risk high reward for men and high risk no reward for women (in relationship terms).
Western men are highly prized for relationships in the developing world as they provide a source of income and security to the local women but western women marry up and are thus an expense in the developing world to any foreign man that gets together with one of them (which is rare because foreign men in developing countries earn a lot less money than western men in the first world so western women wont hook up with them in the first place).
I'm currently trying to find the gender breakdown statistics of Australian expats. There are 20,000 Australians in Thailand for example that are long term expats. I suspect a very high percentage of them are men and I suspect that they have taken this high risk high reward path in large part because they correctly decided that marriage is high risk low reward and that's especially so in the western world.