Scott's Thailand YouTube Channel
Duration: 1:44
Views: 4.5K
Submitted: 8 years ago
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Scott Griffiths and his ladyboy partner Paeng have decided after much encouragement from many friends, fans and followers to start a YouTube channel. The channels name is “Scotts Thailand”.
I always look forward to catching up with Scott and Paeng and their team at Sensations Bar in Pattaya and I know a number of you are fans of Scott’s and the bar as well.
From an economic standpoint - ladyboy bars, along with ladyboy cabaret shows are where the ladyboys of Thailand can earn a decent living wage and where they are treated with respect, dignity and kindness by the owners and their clients. Scott and Paeng have always treated their ladyboy staff well, looked after them and cared about their personhood and it is these qualities that are important in everyones life and especially so in the lives of the ladyboys of Thailand.
Scott has a very real opportunity here with his channel to take a leadership role in the public eye representing his bar, his ladyboy staff and potentially transgender issues on a broader scale. I’m sure he will do very well with his new endeavor.
Please do check out and subscribe to Scott’s new channel. I’m sure he will fill it with lots of interesting and practical content about the colourful nightlife and goings on in the city of Pattaya.
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