What kinds of women or ladyboys succeed as bargirls? MGTOW Thailand

Duration: 13:13 Views: 879 Submitted: 8 years ago Submitted by:
Description: Re uploaded due to some existing footage not being an appropriate match for the intent of the message of the video. ---- 1. The most beautiful or sexually alluring women and ladyboys will be bar fined the most, can quote and receive the highest prices and will make the most money. 2. The majority of men will spend their money on the most youthful, physically beautiful or sexually alluring bargirl. 3. The women or ladyboys who have enhanced themselves via cosmetic surgery will do better than those who have not taken this step. The most important surgery for the ladyboys being breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and lip filler or augmentation. Any surgery that increases the male physiological response to female beauty will be advantageous to the earnings a woman or ladyboy can make from men. 4. Men will pay more money to be with younger women or ladyboys. The younger and more physically attractive the woman or ladyboy the more men will pay all else being equal. 5. The bargirls whose bodies and faces most closely fit the golden ratio will be considered the most beautiful and will have the most opportunities to sell their services. 6. New male visitors to Pattaya who have not yet established long term relations with a particular bar girl will be drawn most strongly to the bargirls who are the most youthful, physically beautiful or sexually alluring. 7. By competing with each other in a highly competitive and commoditized marketplace, positive variations in physical appearance will be advantageous and this advantage I have noted some bar girls achieving this by two different means – surprise and nationality. Remarkably different style of dress or strikingly different nationality (Non Thai – primarily Russian or Farang). 8. Negative variations in physical appearance will be disadvantageous. The older, less physically attractive bargirl will make much less money. 9. Positive variations in personality, behaviour, deportment or overall manner can make up for negative variations in physical appearance. This less physically attractive bar girl will do better in a no pressure bar located somewhat out of the main/prime tourist area and will do well to stick with long term clients. 10. The most physically beautiful bar girl that is also able to elicit primarily positive emotions in us western men as per plutchik's wheel of emotions will succeed incredibly well and will generate a lot of repeat business and develop a cult like following. 11. The strength of erection and orgasm achievable by us men with any one woman or ladyboy is directly proportional to the physical beauty, youth, sexiness and positive emotional elicitation as per Plutchik's Wheel. Youth and beauty in particular is strongly correlated with strength of erection and strength of orgasm. 12. The intensity of devotion towards any one particular woman or ladyboy will be based on how incredible the sexual experience is for the man with that particular woman or ladyboy. 13. Each sexual experience will be compared and contrasted in the mans mind and over time a favourite – or lead / preferred woman or ladyboy will emerge. This woman or ladyboy has the mans heart and mind and has a degree of power over him and his life. 14. Over time the intensity of orgasm and overall sexual experience will diminish if the man goes with the same woman or ladyboy. The sexual intensity diminishes somewhat slowly in a straight line pattern over time and the diminishment cannot be stopped regardless of how youthful, beautiful or sexually alluring the bargirl but other long term feelings of attachment like love can grow stronger particularly where the bargirl is eliciting in you all the positive emotions of Plutchik's Wheel. 15. Due to the situation on the ground in the western world – the bargirls can be working on you whilst you are not present physically. In your mind you're imagining the incredible sexual experiences you've had in Thailand and your fantasy life is strongly associated with your bargirl. Each interaction back home with western women strengthens your resolve to get back to Thailand where - things make sense. Support Jarod via Bitcoin: 196MefANFp2Uiz2w34wpuRXaZUkPwS7S6D Support Jarod on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4681434